I've been making this recipe for years, and it is one of my family's most requested meals. Serve with brown and wild rice or rice pilaf along with Italian-cut...
A simple yet elegant chicken dish, stir fried with carrots, celery and an orange honey sauce. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes...
Lightly breaded and fried shrimp are tossed in marinara sauce and baked with a cheese crust. Surprisingly, this does not taste oily at all. Very good flavor,...
I came up with this recipe for a recipe contest, and it's been a family favorite ever since. For a lighter version, omit stuffing the meatballs with mozzarella...
A quick way to prepare chicken. Can be served with fried rice. I sometimes add sweet red peppers for more color and vitamins. Serve on its own or with...
This is my mom's seasoned rice recipe and is a main dish that is delicious with cornbread, black-eyed peas and turnip greens. It tastes even better when...
This delicious chipotle dish is paleo friendly and a crowd pleaser. Serve in taco or burrito shells with cilantro-lime rice, black beans, salsa, cheese,...
This is a traditional Italian pork shoulder my mother taught me how to make. It is very flavorful as long as you put enough herbs and spices in it! The...
My mom would always make this delicious, creamy rice pudding when we were kids. If a thicker rice is desired, increase rice to 1 1/4 cups and add another...
Quick and easy tempura vegetables make for a great appetizer or side dish. Recommended vegetables are: bell pepper slices, green beans, bite-sized broccoli...
This traditional Italian sweet has different names in different regions: Struffoli in Naples area, which are among the most popular Christmas sweets; Cicerchiata...
Breaded pork chops with mashed potatoes and salad (preferably a sauerkraut salad) is served regularly for Sunday dinner in Poland. Pound the meat as thinly...
This recipe has a Mexican flavor and is tasty and easy to make. It is great anytime; kids and adults will love it. Garnish with sliced tomatoes, lettuce...
A great tasting spicy sushi roll, for those who like extra pizzazz. You can use cooked or raw tuna to your preference to achieve great flavors. Great for...
This is the traditional Puerto Rican holiday meal. My Grandma's recipe is unique because she marinates the meat in wine overnight. This pork roast is the...
My family loves chicken Parm but making it from scratch on a busy school night is next to impossible. The good news is the chicken can be made ahead and...
Agrodolce, a generic Italian term for any type of sweet and sour condiment, really shines when used for braising chunks of succulent pork shoulder. This...
I do not care for the premade taco shells sold at the supermarket. So I developed this recipe in my Cuisinart® Air Fryer Oven. These taco shells are crispy,...
This is one of my favorite desserts that I get when I go to a Chinese restaurant. With this recipe, it is easy to make it in the comfort of your own home!...
I couldn't decide if I wanted lasagna or moussaka the other night; this came out as a yummy combo of the two! Spinach lasagna noodles work well in this...
Unlike Indian or Thai curry, Japanese curry is more savory than spicy. This chicken recipe uses Golden Curry® brand curry cubes, that can be found in...
Portokalopita is a deliciously different cake, and a must-try for anyone who is afraid of phyllo. Why? Because here the phyllo is shredded to bits - the...
This is one of the most common Chinese household dishes. You almost never find this dish in restaurants because it takes a long time to cook and because...